Thursday, April 22, 2010

About the future of Universe

The following was written as a reply to another person in Google Buzz. As it's not in my Google Buzz account, but still interesting, I put it here.

This is a nice posting and I will (almost) definitely read those books when my financial situation gets good again (I have taken a challenge to once again join my income and primary interests, but it's quite hard right now as my interests have grown into something completely odd - I think that being a programmer-VJ would join them, but it doesn't earn me money yet, so I am doing 10% of time small web projects and 90% of time working on finding the right track).

Anyway, about this physics and fantasy part here relation to physics is that I like paradigms and metaphysics and all that philosophical background, but I'm not developing so fast in math part of it. I try to get the whole picture, where physics is informationally a very small part - this is not a human capability to directly understand anything about, say, human motivation or climate with just physics. And, what is my prime interest - none of experience (as Russell calls it) can be explained by physics, because it's axiomatically outside the range of it - it's not so obvious, because we clearly have those correlations and actual unity of those two, but those correlations are outside physics and not a part of it; alchemistry was the last science, which tried to take it as a whole - so I am waiting the modern alchemistry, which should join those two again. Join them so that I can say that some setting of particles is nessecary and enough to have, say, an experience of yellow.

So I am highly interested in alchemistry, mystics and areas of psychology, which research the laws of experience - and because of the correlations with physics, those laws have to be as strict and clear as physics itself - or as random. But anyway, we are not much nearer to particles of mind than we were at 19th century - so my interest of alchemistry, which did it's best as long as it lived.

But now, from my viewpoint it's natural to think that technology of future will not be inside those borders by which we would identify "technology" now - current technology, in my understanding, is mostly taking some natural materials, which happen to have strong similarity to some mathematical concepts - like that they do AND with electron input-output or that they convert electron into light - and ignore the rest. The rest is every other thing, which happens in the process - like the "AND" piece will radiate something, maybe make some sound or vibration, it will also have a magnetic field and other properties. Things done by evolution are, related to that quantity - having one or more properties - having a quality instead - they have a balanced set of properties, where each paradigm and each side-effect is taken into consideration as much as possible. This makes a major difference between those two - and, in humans, all interactions of experience are also taken into account. The reality happens to be made in such way that what we experience as "will" and which, from that viewpoint, consists in being will as thing-in-itself (Schopenhauer has, in that point, succeeded Kant, who told that there is no thing-in-itself possibly findable - and Kant is, sadly, the primary building block of the philosophy behind physics, but the philosophy itself has evolved rapidly after him; Descartes is not much more than Kant - it's more like simplified Kant with a gun and strong military experience raging against evil church;)). So, the reality has the property experienced as will, which has tendency to be connected with actual future events (at least some results of evolution suggest that) - this is my own mindplay, but as in Ben's example, there might be some philosopher, who has actually studied that idea without being so known. There are also some other kinds of experiences, which have some relation to will - in general, they evolve into feeling better and feeling better is somehow related to other feelings as fundamentally as will is related to future events. Also, there is rapidly changing environment, which measures things by their creativity and consciousness - at least any complex structure can't survive without those.

Thus, I am nearly sure that the actual future is God becoming conscious of itself (as some mystics suggest, once again, without the logic given here) - if we call Universe a pantheist God, it's not being so conscious right now (otherwise we would experience that consciousness more clearly if it did go through everything), but as bacterians evolve, they make animals; as animals evolve, they make herds; as herds evolve, they become more conscious and if conscious forms of matter are more capable and survive with higher probability, then eventually everything will become conscious. Of course, if it will not explode, collapse or freeze ;) And when everything will become conscious, it will also start communicate in better and better ways. And when it does, it will look like a bunch of amoebas joining into a human being - a collective consciousness. It will become more effective, more intelligent and more conscious in rapidly growing speed.

And, the matter I am made from - my actual soul, because an experience can't end, it will just change it's forms because everything I am made from will stay even after I die and if it has an experience, this experience might pause - for as long as long this matter is in unconscious state -, but it will continue. Until it becomes a conscious part of what becomes a God - a conscious Universe.

And I think that technology is just a tool to make some of this evolution faster and simpler to us, humans, and allow us to do some leak and maybe propagate the consciousness to other parts of Universe.

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